Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Herbs, ;Normal Day

      It is wonderful having a big pot of herbs jut outside the kitchen door.

It has just been the last 10 years or so that I have been interested in herbs.  But better late than never.
   It is easy to make an herb pot.  I had a 16 inch across plastic pot, a cut-off plastic liter bottle, potting soil , gravel and the plants.  If you are cooking for 1 or 2 this will do you all summer.  If you make pesto better  plant in the garden.
  The big pot will have drainage holes. If you want to spray paint the pot, that’s fine.   Fill the pot with soil, putting the cut-off liter bottle filled with gravel in the middle of the big pot. The soda bottle needs the bottom cut off and holes punched all around the sides.   I like to use a time release fertilizer (Osmocote) when potting out things.  I planted 2 basil, 1 rosemary and 1 parsley and sowed a little dill  on the side.  The trick is watering in the gravel.  My pot has holes cut in the sides, originally I planted herbs in those holes, also.
   But I wouldn’t advise it.  When watering, even in the gravel the water would shoot out those side holes. I use the same pot but covered the  holes with rocks.
   When herbs are that available, you remember to put them in everything.
If you are putting them in a cooked food, add them to the pot just before taking it up.  The flavor dissipates with cooking.
    Now, what to cook with those fresh herbs.

                     Pasta with Tomatoes and Herbs
1 cup uncooked penne pasta
¼ cup olive oil
1 cup fresh herbs, finely chopped will make about ½ cup. Use a combination of what you like.
1 large ripe tomato, peeled, seeded and chopped
Prepare tomato and herbs in large bowl. Add a dash of salt and pepper.
Cook pasta, (it doesn’t take long) Drain, keep hot.
Heat the olive oil, pour over tomato and herbs.
Add hot pasta and stir.

So good and so easy.
                          Food For The Soul                                                                
                                           Normal Day
Let me be aware of the treasure you are.  Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart.  Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow.  Let me hold you while I may.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Metamora and Strawberries

   Metamora has fallen on hard times.  This historical tourist attraction sports a gristmill, canal, working train,  and an aqueduct.  But where are the tourists?.  When family came visiting we wanted to show them our local events.  We don’t have Disney type sights between the cornfields so  Metamora was as close to an attraction as we’ve got.
  Unless you want to go boating or fishing at Brookville Lake our favorite restaurants are about it.
   But Metamora for some 30 or 40 years has been a good place to go.  You can walk the dog, push the babies in a stroller, or ride a bike. The shops are flush with goodies; ice cream, fudge .  In the fall when the festival is going on, there are barbecue  grills going; the smell of pork and onions wafts in the air.  
    At one time I had some favorite shops to watch for.  But they are gone,  the turn-over is great.  Some shops are boarded up.  I remember when Rose Hyde’s shop, Rosebud, was a gift shop  of renown.  It’s long gone.
    The tiny historical village; , once a hub of transportation is subject to change,  as are other urban centers, large and small.
   The canal once ran over the creek by way of a wooden bridge. Part of the canal has water, but .  the canal boat is dejected.
   Let’s give credit where credit is due.  We watched and listened to  a wonderful Memorial Day Service-  veterans, more flags than I could count, music and speeches.  At the end of the service children tossed flowers onto the water at the bridge.  A nice tribute to the fallen servicemen.
   Last 4th of July we spent a wonderful evening watching fireworks and people at Metamora.  On the north side of Rt. 52 new buildings and a large meadow were perfect for parking and lounging in chairs and on blankets.  There were lots of people, but it wasn’t crowded. .  Uniformed officers were evident, so it was peaceful.  Country music  performers entertained us while we waited for darkness.
  Perhaps even Metamora is adjusting.

   The first of June can not roll by without mention of strawberries.  I’m a novice grower, so appreciate even the small ones.  One thing I did right was to plant both ever bearing and June bearing.  Also thankful I spread straw over them in the fall.  It makes picking in the spring easier.
   Here is my take on that wonderful and easy Strawberry Pie.

                                   Dorothy’s Strawberry Pie
1 baked 9 inch pie shell
1  cup sugar
2 Tbsp. corn starch
3 Tbsp. strawberry jello
1 cup water
Halved strawberries
Combine sugar, corn starch and jello in heavy pan.  Add water, stirring well, \Cook on low ,boiling for 1 minute, stirring as it cooks.  Remove from heat and chill  well.   Arrange halved berries in cold pie shell, Top with glaze, top with Cool Whip.  