Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Autumn-food and more

   If you want to make the cook happy, just ask for her recipe.  Friends recently put a smile on my face when I took a pumpkin dessert to a club meeting.
Since this is a good month for pumpkin , I’ll share some recipes.
       A few years back Longaberger baskets were all the rage and women made trips to Dresden, Ohio to see the factory.  That’s where my sister, Brenda, got this recipe called  Dresden Pumpkin Crunch. (She didn’t get it from the factory, but from the other gals on the trip). It is a cross between a pie and a cake and so easy to make.
                                     Dresden Pumpkin Crunch
1 yellow cake mix 
1 cup chopped pecans                                   
1 16 oz. can pumpkin                                  3 eggs                               
1 12 oz, can evaporated milk                     3 t. pumpkin pie spice
 1/2t. salt
1 ½  cups sugar
1 cup melted butter
Whipped topping
Preheat oven at 350 degrees.  Combine pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, spices and salt.  Mix well.  Pour into a 9 by 13 pan, (I used 2, 9 in square pans).  Sprinkle cake mix over batter, top with pecans, drizzle melted butter on top.
Bake for 50 minutes.  Cool and serve with whipped topping.
   Another good recipe for carry-out is Mother’s Lemon Loaf.

½  cup butter
1 cup sugar    Cream well and add
2 lightly beaten eggs
Grated rind of 1 lemon mix well
Sift together
1 ½  cups flour
1 tsp. Baking powder
Pinch salt
Combine this alternately with
½ cup milk to batter.  Stir well, but not too much
Bake in well greased large loaf pan. For 50 minutes
While cake is baking combine
¼ cup lemon juice (the real stuff)
½ cup sugar.  (Just mix, do not dissolve sugar. )
When cake comes out of the oven, pour lemon juice mixture over cake and let cool. This is good frozen and sliced very thin.  Wonderful!

   Here are some lines for the October birthday people. (lots of them).
   Count your garden by the flowers
   Never by the leaves that fall.
   Count your day by golden hours
   Don’t remember clouds at all.
   Count your nights by stars, not shadows
   Count your life by smiles, not tears
   And with joy on every birthday
   Count your age by friends, not years.
There’s more!

When I take a walk back the lane I observe the field corn,  When the ears are hanging down, it is said to be mature.  As this picture shows, some are down and some are still erect.  No matter, farmers are in the fields. (Except when it’s too wet)

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been able to comment on her blogs lately.
    But, I so look forward each month to reading them and
    collecting recipes.
    My dad would've loved reading them also.
