I have several Everything Drawers. When I clean one, papers get moved to the next drawer, only a few papers go to the waste basket.
All the pretty pictures of recipes I have collected are piled near the cookbooks. So I sort through them, knowing I’ll never make that Baked Alaska. Just looking at the picture satisfied me. Pitch that recipe.
But the picture of a Strawberry Trifle, that’s a keeper. Perhaps at Easter I could make that. It goes back on the shelf.
The danger in this kind of cleaning is that you must read things before you can throw them away.
The cookbooks are filled with housekeeping hints saved from magazines.
Here are a few tips I have collected.
l. Polish for wooden furniture: 1 part turpentine, 1 part rubbing alcohol. 1 part linseed oil.
2. Use Mayo to remove crayon marks from walls.
3. Use distilled white vinegar and equal parts of water for cleaning windows, bathrooms and counter tops.
4. Use cotton ball to bait a mousetrap.
5. To keep moles out of the yard, soak a rag with olive oil and stuff in mole hole.
6. Heat the skillet first, then add cold oil when frying food to keep it from sticking.
7. To remove spots from old linens. Soak in a solution of water and Biz. Fold linen in a piece of dry cotton sheet and put in big plastic bag. Refrigerate bag for 3 days. Remove and iron.
8. Clean mildew: 2/3 cup TSP, 1/3 cup Spic and Span, 1 quart Clorox, 3 quart water. When using wear gloves,, and goggles, Scrub, rinse and dry.
Clean for another year.
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